Enseignant chercheur
M. Nicolas Ragot
Associate professorCoordonnées
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
- software engineering;
- software quality;
- project management;
- Pattern recognition
Previously: - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence;
- Assembly Language;
- operating systems;
- software engineering;
- software quality;
- project management;
- Pattern recognition
Previously: - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence;
- Assembly Language;
- operating systems;
Thèmes de recherche
- Pattern recognition and learning (hybrid systems, collaboration and cooperation of classifiers, one-class classification, learning in non-stationnary environments, sequence matching);
- Document (image) processing (OCR, wordspotting, handwriting recognition, symbols recognition);
- Biometrics (online & offline signature verification)
- Document (image) processing (OCR, wordspotting, handwriting recognition, symbols recognition);
- Biometrics (online & offline signature verification)
Activités / CV
I received my Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2003 from IRISA lab, Rennes University (France). Since 2005, I joined the Computer Science Lab (LI EA 6300) in the RFAI group of Université François Rabelais Tours (France) where I am associate professor at Polytech Tours (French engineering school).
My main research area is Pattern Recognition applied to Document Analysis. During the past 10 years, I worked mainly on online signature recognition, robust and adaptative OCR systems based on HMM, OCR control and defects detection (with French National Library-BnF). More recently Pr. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute-Kolkata) and I, received a 3 years grant from IFCPAR for a project collaboration on robust and multilingual wordspotting. I was also involved in several National projects funded by government (ANR NAVIDOMAS, DIGIDOC...) as well as companies (ATOS Worldline, Nexter). My group also received during 2 years a Google Digital Humanities award to work on interactive layout analysis and the use of pattern redundancy for transcription and retrieval of old printed books.
My main research area is Pattern Recognition applied to Document Analysis. During the past 10 years, I worked mainly on online signature recognition, robust and adaptative OCR systems based on HMM, OCR control and defects detection (with French National Library-BnF). More recently Pr. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute-Kolkata) and I, received a 3 years grant from IFCPAR for a project collaboration on robust and multilingual wordspotting. I was also involved in several National projects funded by government (ANR NAVIDOMAS, DIGIDOC...) as well as companies (ATOS Worldline, Nexter). My group also received during 2 years a Google Digital Humanities award to work on interactive layout analysis and the use of pattern redundancy for transcription and retrieval of old printed books.
Publications: please see HAL or Research Gate
Academic Projects:
- ANR Digidoc
- BnF Tri-annual project
- Google Digital Humanities Awards (project web site)
- Technovision EPEIRES (performance evaluation for symbol recognition: see the evaluation platform)
- BnF
- LITIS Rouen
Administrative tasks linked to research:
- supervisor of the RFAI group (from01/2017) and previously co-supervisor (since 6/05/09);
- member of LI council (2007-2012);
- reviewer for the journals: IEEE PAMI, IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, IEEE SMC-B, PR, PRL, Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, ACM Trans. on Asian Language Information Processing, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Int. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
- reviewer for conferences ICPR, ICDAR, ICFHR, CIFED
Administrative tasks at Polytech Tours:
- member of the Polytech Tours' board (2008-2016) ;
- manager of the students academic projects at the computer science dpt. (since 2009) ;
- in charge of the first year at the computer science dpt. (2005-2009).