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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

- software engineering;
- software quality;
- project management;
- Pattern recognition
Previously: - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence;
- Assembly Language;
- operating systems;

Thèmes de recherche

- Pattern recognition and learning (hybrid systems, collaboration and cooperation of classifiers, one-class classification, learning in non-stationnary environments, sequence matching);
- Document (image) processing (OCR, wordspotting, handwriting recognition, symbols recognition);
- Biometrics (online & offline signature verification)

Activités / CV

I received my Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2003 from IRISA lab, Rennes University (France). Since 2005, I joined the Computer Science Lab (LI EA 6300) in the RFAI group of Université François Rabelais Tours (France) where I am associate professor at Polytech Tours (French engineering school).
My main research area is Pattern Recognition applied to Document Analysis. During the past 10 years, I worked mainly on online signature recognition,  robust and adaptative OCR systems based on HMM, OCR control and defects detection (with French National Library-BnF). More recently Pr. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute-Kolkata) and I, received a 3 years grant from IFCPAR for a project collaboration on robust and multilingual wordspotting. I was also involved in several National projects funded by government (ANR NAVIDOMAS, DIGIDOC...) as well as companies (ATOS Worldline, Nexter). My group also received during 2 years a Google Digital Humanities award to work on interactive layout analysis and the use of pattern redundancy for transcription and retrieval of old printed books.

Publications: please see HAL or Research Gate

Academic Projects:
- ANR Digidoc
- BnF Tri-annual project
- Google Digital Humanities Awards (project web site)
- Technovision EPEIRES (performance evaluation for symbol recognition: see the evaluation platform)

- BnF

Administrative tasks linked to research:
- supervisor of the RFAI group (from01/2017) and previously co-supervisor (since 6/05/09);
- member of LI council (2007-2012);
- reviewer for the journals: IEEE PAMI, IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, IEEE SMC-B, PR, PRL, Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, ACM Trans. on Asian Language Information Processing, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Int. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
- reviewer for conferences ICPR, ICDAR, ICFHR, CIFED

Administrative tasks at Polytech Tours:
- member of the Polytech Tours' board (2008-2016) ;
- manager of the students academic projects at the computer science dpt. (since 2009) ;
- in charge of the first year at the computer science dpt. (2005-2009).