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Langues et littératures anglaises et anglo-saxonnes

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

       Current PhD students

  • Jie Jiang (2020-…), Les particules finales en chongqinghua, un dialecte chinois parlé dans la ville de Chongqing
  • Élisa Marcadet (2021-…), Le Suretees Psalter : édition critique et étude graphophonématique
  • Alexandre Etcheheguy (2021-...), L'évolution du continuum dialectal de l’anglais entre le Xe et le XIIe siècle : analyse sociolinguistique
  • Vivien Despériès (2023-...), Les particules du gascon : une approche énonciative
       Former PhD students
  • Camille Ternisien, Have a bite, have a bash, have a taste and a smell : étude de certaines constructions à verbe support atypiques (anglais moderne tardif et contemporain). [defended Dec. 2020] ► Camille has been a Senior Lecturer at the University of Metz (France) since 2023.

POSTGRADUATE TEACHING: Historical linguistics: principles and methods (20 hrs); Change in English (Part 2: Middle English and early Modern English) (20 hrs); Langue, discours, opérations de mise en discours (20 hrs); English grammar for future or practising EFL teachers (20 hrs)

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING: English grammar (24 hrs); Introduction to general and English linguistics (18 hrs); Introduction to the history of the English language (24 hrs); Introduction to an utterer-centered (enunciative) approach to the grammar of English (24 hrs)

Thèmes de recherche

RESEARCH SUMMARY: linguistics; English historical linguistics; grammaticalization in English; Old English lexicon; enunciative linguistics (utterer-centered approach to the morphosyntax of present-day English); English; Persian

My current research activities fall into two main areas: a) English historical linguistics; b) enunciative linguistics (utterer-centered approach to the morphosyntax of present-day English, and occasionally of Persian).
Please note that the references of the papers, chapters and volumes I have authored or co-authored are to be found in the "Informations complémentaires [extra information] / Selected publications" section below.

The Old English lexicon and its influence on the lexical structure of present-day English
Here are two of the research topics that I have investigated in recent years: names for the physician in the history of English which are metonymically derived from names of medical instruments; English animal nouns with a "zero plural" in present-day English, in relation to Anglo-Saxon civilization and to the lexical structure of Old English.
One of my projects is to investigate noun incorporation verbs (e.g. lip-read or lorry-drive); the perspective will be that of present-day English, informed by the history of the language.
My interest in the Old English lexicon led to the publication of the online "French-Old English dictionary, with reference to the other older Germanic languages" (12.000 entries). The work was led under the aegis of the Maison de Sciences de l'Homme de Tours, and was released in 2016.

Grammaticalization and semantic change, considered within the theoretical framework developed by Elizabeth Traugott
I have carried out research on the semantic evolution of the adverbial particle up and of the conjunction and in Middle English. In the case of and, I have argued for a grammaticalization process. Very recently I have investigated the grammaticalization of absent in present-day American English.

b) ENUNCIATIVE LINGUISTICS (utterer-centered approach to the morphosyntax of present-day English, and occasionally of Persian)
Enunciative linguistics is the field in which I was first trained as a doctoral student under the supervision of Professors Henri Adamczewski and Claude Delmas (Sorbonne Nouvelle University).
I have investigated the demonstrative adverbs this and that, the distinctive forms of the subjunctive, and the aspect marker be+-ing in present-day English, to mention only the more significant topics.
Probably my most important project at the moment is to extend my previous research on be+-ing by working on the subjectification and intersubjectification of the marker; more specifically, it is hoped that the historical perspective will shed new light on Professor Henri Adamczewski's vews.
I have authored or co-authored two chapters in a book published in 2021 by De Gruyter, entitled L'Expression du manque à travers les langues. One of them is about kam, a marker of present-day Persian, whose use makes it possible for an utterance to express the idea of something lacking (missing, wanting).
I have joined the recently founded "Réseau Français de l'Énonciation", an informal network which brings together researchers working in the field of enunciative linguistics in the broad sense of the term (which includes pragmatics and discourse analysis).
I have also always had a strong interest in the philosophy of language and in the history of linguistic ideas. I have published papers in both fields, but have focused on other fields recently.

  •      SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur)
  •      ALAES (Association des Linguistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur)
  •      AMAES (Association des Médiévistes Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur)
  •      CerLiCO (Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l'Ouest)
  •      I am also an affiliate member of the Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics, the University of Edinburgh (Great-Britain)

Activités / CV

Should you want a copy of my full CV, please get in touch with me (

Informations complémentaires

  • 2012 - Professorial Thesis (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in English Language and Linguistics, under the supervision of Professor Jean-Jacques Lecercle. Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense.
  • 1994 - Ph.D. (Doctorat) in English Language and Linguistics, under the supervision of Professor Henri Adamczewski, with First Class Honours. Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III.
  • 1989 - Master's degree (Maîtrise) in Applied Languages (English and German). Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III.
  • French (native speaker)
  • English (read, write, speak fluently)
  • German (conversational)
  • Farsi / Persian (conversational)
  • Russian (some knowledge)
  • Latin, Old and Middle English (reading knowledge)
  • Studia Anglica Resoviensia (journal of the University of Rzeszów, Poland)
  • Corela (journal of the learned society CerLiCO [Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l'Ouest], France)

[2016] Patrick Gettliffe & Fabienne Toupin. Dictionnaire français-vieil-anglais, avec référence aux autres langues germaniques anciennes. URL:
[2014] Fabienne Toupin & Patrick Gettliffe. La Consolation de Philosophie de Boèce (version alfrédienne) : texte traduit et présenté avec des notes de traduction. Paris (Publications de l'AMAES 35), 294 pages.
[2005] Marthe Mensah & Fabienne Toupin. La Grammaire d'Ælfric : traduction et commentaire linguistique. Paris (Publications de l'AMAES 27), 301 pages.

[2021] S. Gatelais & F. Toupin, "The grammaticalisation of absent in Present-Day English". Robert Kiełtyka (éd.), Studies in the Evolution of the English Language. Berne: Peter Lang (Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures 25), pp.129-50.
[2021] "L'énonciation du manque en persan". F. Toupin & S.N. Osu (éds.), L'expression du manque à travers les langues. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, pp.257-310.
[2021] S.N. Osu & F. Toupin, "À propos du manque : valeurs, évolution, fonctionnement". F. Toupin & S.N. Osu (éds.), L'expression du manque à travers les langues. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, pp.1-36.
[2018] "La grammaticalisation : questions posées par le cas de and dans l'histoire de l'anglais sur le choix d'un modèle théorique". Sylvie Hancil (éd.), Fonctionnements linguistiques et grammaticalisation. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, pp.123-46.
[2010] S.N. Osu, G. Col, N. Garric & F. Toupin. "L'identité en construction ou de l'identité à la modalité". Construction d'identité et processus d'identification. Berne: Peter Lang, pp.1-12.
[2008] "Des phénomènes de pidginisation et de créolisation en moyen-anglais". Florence Bourgne (éd.), Un espace colonial et ses avatars. Naissance d'identités nationales : Angleterre, France, Irlande (Ve-XVe siècles). Presses universitaires Paris-Sorbonne (Cultures & Civilisations médiévales 42), pp.179-201.

[2021] F. Toupin & S.N. Osu. L'Expression du manque à travers les langues. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 718 pages.
[2021] F. Toupin & C. Collin. Actes du 25e Colloque du CerLiCO, Transcrire, écrire, formaliser-2, Orléans, juin 2011. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes (Travaux du CerLiCO 31), 214 pages.
[2020] F. Toupin, S. Gatelais & I. Sasu. Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change 3: Corpus-Based Studies in English Syntax and Lexis. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 177 pages.
[2015] B. Lowrey & F. Toupin. Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change: from Old to Middle English. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 231 pages.
[2010] S.N. Osu, G. Col, N. Garric & F. Toupin. Construction d'identité et processus d'identification. Berne: Peter Lang, 623 pages.
[2010] C. Delesse, B. Lowrey & F. Toupin. Actes du premier Colloque Bisannuel de Diachronie de l'Anglais. Paris (Publications de l'AMAES 31), 251 pages.
[2006] J.-P. Régis & F. Toupin. Travaux de Diachronie 3 (Actes du Deuxième Colloque de diachronie de l'anglais à Tours, mars 2001). Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 105 pages.
[2001] Mélanges en l'honneur de Gérard Deléchelle, numéro hors série de la revue GRAAT. Tours: Publications de l'Université François-Rabelais, 198 pages.

[2022] A. Chapel, F. Toupin et V. Agrigoroaei, "The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms (4): Collective Research". Museikon: a Journal of Religious Art and Culture 6, pp. 211-221.
[2021] F. Toupin, I. Sasu, Katarzyna Jasińska et V. Agrigoroaei, "The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms (3): Collective Research". Museikon: a Journal of Religious Art and Culture 5, pp. 91-103.
[2018] "Practitioner from instrument: a metonymy in names for physicians in the history of English". Anglica, an International Journal of English Studies, pp. 103-125.
[2015] "La "Philosophie spontanée d'un savant" : Henri Adamczewski (12 janvier 1929 – 25 décembre 2005)". Anglophonia, French Journal of English Linguistics. URL:
[2015] "About Plural Morphology and Game Animals: from Old English to Present-Day English". Lexis, Journal in English Lexicology 9 : Etudes énonciatives de questions lexicales / Utterer-centered studies on lexical issues, sous la dir. de Geneviève Girard & Catherine Chauvin, pp.95-122. URL:
[2012] Sylvain Gatelais & F. Toupin. "The Kentish Sermons as evidence of thirteenth-century English and translation practice". Neuphilologische Mitteilungen/Bulletin de la Société Néophilologique 2 CXIII, pp.191-218.
[2011] Sylvain Gatelais & F. Toupin. "Les Sermons kentois et les homélies de Maurice de Sully : étude morphosyntaxique de phénomènes de contact langagier". Bulletin des Anglicistes Médiévistes 80 (Hommage à Marguerite-Marie Dubois), pp.71-92.
[2010] "Exploring continuities and discontinuities between Ælfric's Grammar and its antique sources". Neophilologus volume 94, numéro 2, pp.333 sqq.
[2010] Brian Lowrey & F. Toupin. "L'invariant à l'épreuve de la diachronie". CORELA 8-2. URL: