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Abdeldjalil OUAHABI and Cédric VILLANI (Fields Medal)

Enseignant chercheur

M. Abdeldjalil Ouahabi

Full Professor




Génie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Signal and Image Processing, Engineering Mathematics, Digital Control Systems, Medical Imaging

Thèmes de recherche

Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning),  Multiresolution Analysis (Wavelets, Contourlets, Bandelets...), Spectral Analysis (Fourier Analysis, Time-Frequency Distributions, Auto-Regressive Spectral Estimation), Optimal Filtering, Fractal and Multifractal Analysis, Sampling Theory and Compressed Sensing.
Applications : Medical Imaging, Face Recognition and Biometrics, 5G/6G Technology and Networks ...

Activités / CV

  • Education
Ph. D. in Signal Processing,  Grenoble INP, France, (Advisor : Dr. F. Glangeaud, CNRS Research Director).
 State Doctorat  in Signal Processing, Grenoble INP-USTHB Algiers  (Advisor : Prof. J. L. Lacoume, Professor Grenoble INP)
  • Honors and Awards

27-29 Dec, 2022 Guest of THE CONFERENCE
2023 Guest of Al Maarifa (The knowledge) TV.
2019 Guest of Canal Algérie (Algerian public TV) "Ma télé à moi". Program on my life and my scientific background (duration 1h 05)
2018 Panel Discussion on Artificial Intelligence (ENTV : Algerian TV).
2018-2016 Outstanding Reviewer  (Elesevier)– Knowledge-Based Systems ( IF= 5.922), Measurement  (Elsevier IF = 3.364)
2017 Inviting Professor, Qatar University
2013 Distinguished Visiting Professor awarded by Bucknell University-Pennsylvania.
2005 Price of Innovative Program for Mobility (attractiveness of higher education). 20,000 €.
1999 Best Paper Award. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (ICECS'99).
1993 Higher Education Prize (CUN : Commission Universitaire Nationale): Ranked first in the competition for the position of Associate Professor in Algeria for all specialties combined.

  • Scientific Activities

2024 Scientific Committee Chairman – IEEE/ISPA 2024
2022 Scientific Committee Chairman – IEEE/ISPA 2022
2021 Member of "Imaging, Biomarkers and Therapy" team, iBrain, Inserm, Université de Tours.
2021 Associate Editor: Journal of King Saud University Computer and Information Sciences - Elsevier (IF=13.473, Q1)
2021 Editorial Board Member: Electronics  (IF=2.690, Q2)
Co-Scientific Manager with Prof. Cédric Villani, winner of the Fields Medal: "Artificial Intelligence" Project for Algeria.
Team leader: "Signal Processing and Machine Learning",   LIMPAF - Computer Science Department - University of Bouira.
2021 Plenary speaker. Physics, September 13-15, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
2021 Guest Editor SI “Machine/Deep Learning in sensing and imaging: emerging trends, challenges and opportunities”- Sensors (IF=3.847, Q1)
2021 Guest Editor SI "Post-COVID-19 Education for a Sustainable Future: Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Trends" - Sustainability (IF=3.889, Q1) 
2020 Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IMA) (IF= 2.177, Q2),
2020 Reviewer Board Member: Sensors,  Healthcare
2020 Topic Board Member of Signals
2019-2021 Guest Editor SI “Face Recognition and its Applications”- Electronics
2020 Technical Program Chair – IEEE/CCSSP 2020
2019 Scientific Committee Chairman – IEEE/ISPA 2019
2010-2017  IPC member (ATS 2018), (ISSPA 2017) , (ICATS’17), (ICEECA 2017), (NCEEE 2016), (ICCSA-2016), (ICATS’15), (ICOSIP 2015),  (Telecom 2015),  ( IPTA 2014),  (EUSIPCO’2014), (ICEEB’2014), (ICEECA 2014),  ( ICEE’2014), (ICEEAC’2013), (WOSSPA 2013), (IPTA 2012), Scientific Research and Technological Winter University (organized by Algerian DGRST in 2011),  (DICTAP 2011), (ISSPA 2010), (ICEEA’10).
2011-2012 Guest Editor “Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing” (IF=0.925), Iste/Wiley, Hermès/Lavoisier…
2009 President of the EEA Club Congress, Tours (France).
2002-2007 IPC member (EUSIPCO’2007), (ISSPA 2003), (SPPRA 2001), (ICSPC 2000). 
1999 Chairman and Organizer of the special session "Time-Frequency and Wavelets Applications ", 6th IEEE ICECS-Pafos (Cyprus).
1995 (IPC Member) Mediterranean Conf. on Electronics and Automatic Control (MCEA’95)-Grenoble.
1994 General Chairman of  the Int. Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSS’94)-Sidi-Fredj, Algiers.

  • Scientific Publications

H index  39 (Google Scholar 2022)
RI Score 1922, h-index 32 (ResearchGate 2023)
2 Books (Research)
1 Book (Research) in progress.
6 Books (Graduate level)
12 Book Chapters
50 Journal Publications
33 Invited Talks (Keynotes Speaker)
90 Conference Papers

  • Selected Committee Activities

2021 Project Manager Data Analysis (Big Data, Signals, Images, videos…), Artificial Intelligence(Machine/Deep learning). iBrain (INSERM U1235) Tours.
From 2019  Treasurer of the Algerian Competences Association
2013-2018 Member of the “Algerian Paper of the Year Awards” Committee.
1998-present Member of the Board, Tours Engineering School which becomes Polytech Tours.
2008-2012  Member of the Board of Studies and University Life (CEVU), University of Tours.
2010 Coordinator of the National Doctorate Award in Signal, Image and Vision organized by the GDR ISIS of the CNRS, the GRETSI Association and the EEA Club
2007 President of the Hiring Committee (CSDP), Tours University
2005-present Member of the Board, EEA Club (French Society of Electronics, Electrotechnics, Automatic-Control and Signal-Image).
1995-present Member of the Hiring Committee (CSDP), Tours University
1995-2005 Member of the Hiring Committee, Maine University (Le Mans-France)
1993 Member of the Algerian CNE (committee of recognition and equivalence of foreign diploma)
1990-1994 Member of the Board, University of Science and Technology (USTHB)-Algiers

  • Educational and technical articles

S. JACQUES , A. OUAHABI, T. LEQUEU . Synchronous E-learning in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2021), 21-23 April 2021, Vienna, Austria.
S. JACQUES ; A. OUAHABI ; T. LEQUEU. Remote Knowledge Acquisition and Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy Vol. 10 n°6. 2020. (Scopus)
A. OUAHABI – Pratique du filtrage – Filtrage linéaire numérique, Techniques de l’Ingénieur,  [R 1 101], 2020.
A. OUAHABI – Pratique du filtrage – Filtrage linéaire : filtrage analogique, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, [R 1 100], 2021.
A. OUAHABI, "Filtrage numérique à base d’ondelettes. 1ère Partie : Fondements", Techniques de l’ingénieur, Référence R1108, juin 2013.
A. OUAHABI, "Filtrage numérique à base d’ondelettes. 2ème Partie : Application en imagerie médicale ", Techniques de l’ingénieur, Référence R1109, juin 2013.

  • Supervision: 10 PhD students (+2 theses in preparation)

Informations complémentaires

  • Scientific Publications ( 40%)
9 Books including
"Wavelet Denoising : Application in Medical Imaging", Iste-Wiley.
"Signal and Image Multiresolution Analysis", Iste-Wiley.
"Analyse Multirésolution pour le Signal et l'Image", Hermes-Lavoisier.
  •  Selected Journal Publications ( Only during the last 3 years)

BOUSAADI, S., B. ; ALIANE, H. &  OUAHABI, A. Using an explicit query and a topic model for scientific article recommendation. Educ Inf Technol, 2023.
A.BENZAOUI, Y. KHALDI, R. BOUAOUINA, H. ALSHAZLY, N. AMROUNI, A. OUAHABI. A Comprehensive Survey on Ear Recognition: Databases, Approaches, Comparative Analysis, and Open Challenges. Neurocomputing. 2023. Vol. 537, pp. 236-270. Q1
ATIA, N.; BENZAOUI, A.; JACQUES, S.; HAMIANE, M.; KOURD, K.E.; BOUAKAZ, A.; OUAHABI, A. Particle Swarm Optimization and Two-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis of Variance for Efficient Brain Tumor Segmentation. Cancers 202214, 4399. Q1
KANETAKI, Z.; STERGIOU, C.; BEKAS, G.; JACQUES, S.; TROUSSAS, C.; SGOUROPOULOU, C.; OUAHABI, A. Acquiring, Analyzing and Interpreting Knowledge Data for Sustainable Engineering Education: An Experimental Study Using YouTube. Electronics 2022, 11, 2210. Q2
BENLAMOUDI, A; BEKHOUCHE, SE;KORICI, M; BENSID, K; OUAHABI, A. Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Deep Background Subtraction. Sensors. 2022; 22(10):3760. Q1
KANETAKI, Z.; STERGIOU, C.; BEKAS, G.; JACQUES, S.; TROUSSAS, C.; SGOUROPOULOU, C.; OUAHABI, A. Prediction Modeling in Hybrid learning Environments for Sustainable Engineering Eductaion. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5205. Q1
MAHDAOUI, A.E.; OUAHABI, A.; MOULAY, M.S. Image Denoising Using a Compressive Sensing Approach Based on Regularization Constraints. Sensors 202222, 2199. Q1
El MORABIT S, RIVENQ A, ZIGHEM M-E-n, HADID A, OUAHABI A, TALEB-AHMED A. Automatic pain estimation from facial expressions: A Comparative Analysis Using Off-the-Shelf CNN Architectures. Electronics. 2021; 10(16):1926. Q2
Y. KHALDI, BENZAOUI A, A. OUAHABI , JACQUES S, A. TALEB-AHMED. Ear recognition based on deep unsupervised active learning . IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021, 21, 18, 20704-20713. Q1
ARBAOUI A, OUAHABI A, JACQUES S, HAMIANE M. Concrete Cracks Detection and Monitoring Using Deep Learning-Based Multiresolution Analysis. Electronics. 2021; 10(15),1772. Q2
Y. R. OUAHABI; K. BENSADOK; OUAHABI A. Optimization of the biomethane production process by anaerobic digestion of wheat straw using chemical pretreatments coupled with ultrasonic disintegration. Sustainability 2021, 13, 7202 . Q1
ARBAOUI, A., OUAHABI, A., JACQUES, S. AND HAMIANE, M. (2021) “Wavelet-based multiresolution analysis coupled with deep learning to efficiently monitor cracks in concrete”, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 15(58), pp. 33–47. Q2
I.ADJABI , A. OUAHABI , BENZAOUI A, JACQUES S. Multi-Block Color-Binarized Statistical Images for Single-Sample Face Recognition. Sensors. 2021; 21(3), 728. Q1
A.A. ALTHUWAYB, F. HASHIM  F. ; J. T. LIEW,I.  KHAN, J. W. LEE, E. A. AFFUM, A. OUAHABI,  S. JACQUES, A Highly Efficient Algorithm for Phased-Array mmWave Massive MIMO Beamforming. Computers, Materials & Continua. 2021, 69(1), pp.679-694. Q2
H.HANECHE, A. OUAHABI , B. BOUDRAA. Compressed sensing speech coding scheme for Mobile Communications. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 2021,40, pp.5106-5126. Q2
S.ZEHANI, S.; A. OUAHABI, M. OUSSALAH, M. MIMI, A. TALEB-AHMED. Bone microarchitecture characterization based on fractal analysis in spatial frequency domain imaging. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 2020; 1-24. Q2
I.ADJABI, I., A. OUAHABI, A. BENZAOUI, A. TALEB-AHMED.  Past, Present, and Future of Face Recognition: A Review. Electronics 2020, 9, 1188. Q2
H. HANECHE, B. BOUDRAA and A. OUAHABI, A new way to enhance speech signal based on compressed sensingMeasurement, Vol. 151, pp. 107-117, 2020. Q1
A.MIMOUNA, I. ALOUANI, A. BEN KHALIFA, Y. EL HILLALI, A. TALEB-AHMED, A. MENHAJ, A.OUAHABI, N.E. BEN AMARA, N.E. OLIMP: A Heterogeneous Multimodal Dataset for Advanced Environment Perception. Electronics 2020, 9, 560. Q2
H. HANECHE, A. OUAHABI and B. BOUDRAA. New mobile communication system design for Rayleigh environments based on compressed sensing-source coding. IET Communications, 13 (15), pp. 2375-2385, 2019. Q2
M. FERROUKHI, A. OUAHABI, M. ATTARI, Y. HABCHI and A. TALEB-AHMED. Medical video coding based on 2nd generation wavelets: Performance evaluation. Electronics, 8(1): 88, 2019. Q2
W. RMILI , A. OUAHABI, R. SERRA & R. LEROY “An automatic system based on vibratory analysis for cutting tool wear monitoring”, Measurement, Vol. 77, pp. 117-123, 2016. Q1