Enseignant chercheur
M. Olivier Motret
Co-responsable de la gestion du site de Grandmont du GREMAN.Coordonnées
- Tél
- 0247367409
- Téléphone 2
- 0247367529
Energétique, génie des procédés
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Energies renouvelables, mécanique des fluides, optique, automatismes industriels, thermodynamique.
Thèmes de recherche
Etude expérimentale des plasmas froids impulsionnels haute (Décharges Barrières) et basse pression (Ablation laser, Microplasmas), spectroscopie UV-visible des plasmas, modélisation de cinétiques réactionnelles transitoires, construction de spectres synthétiques, conception de réacteurs plasmas.
Activités / CV
Spectroscopic characterization of CH4 + CO2 plasmas excited by DBD at atmospheric pressure.
O. Motret, S. Pellerin, V. Massereau, M. Nikravech and J.M. Pouvesle.
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process, 1997, 17(4), 393-407.
[•OH(X)] measurement by resonant absorption spectroscopy in a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge.
C. Hibert, I. Gaurand, O. Motret, and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. of Applied Physics, 1999, 85(10), 7070-7075.
Rotational temperature measurements in atmospheric pulsed D.B.D. - Gas temperature and molecular fraction effects.
O. Motret, C. Hibert, S. Pellerin and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2000, 33, 1493-1498.
Investigation of silicon oxide emission spectra observed in a pulsed discharge and a laser-induced plasma.
J. Hermann, F. Coursimault and O. Motret
S. Acquaviva and A. Perrone
J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2001, 34(10), 1917-1927.
Simulation of local, self-absorbed and absorbed SiO(A1?-X1?+) spectra in a non-thermal plasma – comparison with experimental spectra.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault, R. Viladrosa and J.M. Pouvesle
High Temp. Mat. Proc., 2002, 6(3), 305-309.
Ozone production by an ultra-short triggered dielectric barrier discharge, geometrical considerations.
O. Motret, C. Hibert and J.M. Pouvesle.
Ozone Science & Engineering, 2002, 24(3), 203-213.
Investigations of silicon oxide UV emission in a non-thermal atmospheric plasma –
Comparison with synthetic spectra.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault, R. Viladrosa and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2003, 36(17), 2060-2066.
Absolute silicon monoxide density measurement by self-absorption spectroscopy in a non thermal atmospheric plasma.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2004, 37(13), 1750-1758.
Time resolved post-discharge absolute silicon monoxide density measurement by absorption spectroscopy in a non thermal atmospheric plasma.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. of Applied Physics, 2006, 100(9), 1-9
Dynamical plasma study of CaCu3Ti4O12 and Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 Pulse Laser Deposition by Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium modelling.
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Hermann, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 2010, 43(28), 1-6
Ion beam-assisted pulsed laser deposition of (Ba,Sr)(Ti,Zr)O3 films on Pt-Si substrates
Joe Sakai, Y. K. Vayunandana Reddy, Cécile Autret-Lambert, Jean-François Lagrange, Olivier Motret, Sylvain Roger, and Jérôme Wolfman
J. of Applied Physics, 2011, 109, 1-5.
Effects of laser energy and impact surface on the stopping distance in metal oxide targets laser ablation
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. of Applied Physics, 2012, 111, 063301.
Time-resolved spatial distribution of plasma in the ablation of a Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 target by 25ns KrF ultraviolet laser.
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Hermann, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. of Applied Physics, 2014, 116, 133303.
O. Motret, S. Pellerin, V. Massereau, M. Nikravech and J.M. Pouvesle.
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process, 1997, 17(4), 393-407.
[•OH(X)] measurement by resonant absorption spectroscopy in a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge.
C. Hibert, I. Gaurand, O. Motret, and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. of Applied Physics, 1999, 85(10), 7070-7075.
Rotational temperature measurements in atmospheric pulsed D.B.D. - Gas temperature and molecular fraction effects.
O. Motret, C. Hibert, S. Pellerin and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2000, 33, 1493-1498.
Investigation of silicon oxide emission spectra observed in a pulsed discharge and a laser-induced plasma.
J. Hermann, F. Coursimault and O. Motret
S. Acquaviva and A. Perrone
J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2001, 34(10), 1917-1927.
Simulation of local, self-absorbed and absorbed SiO(A1?-X1?+) spectra in a non-thermal plasma – comparison with experimental spectra.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault, R. Viladrosa and J.M. Pouvesle
High Temp. Mat. Proc., 2002, 6(3), 305-309.
Ozone production by an ultra-short triggered dielectric barrier discharge, geometrical considerations.
O. Motret, C. Hibert and J.M. Pouvesle.
Ozone Science & Engineering, 2002, 24(3), 203-213.
Investigations of silicon oxide UV emission in a non-thermal atmospheric plasma –
Comparison with synthetic spectra.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault, R. Viladrosa and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2003, 36(17), 2060-2066.
Absolute silicon monoxide density measurement by self-absorption spectroscopy in a non thermal atmospheric plasma.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. Phys. D : Applied Physics, 2004, 37(13), 1750-1758.
Time resolved post-discharge absolute silicon monoxide density measurement by absorption spectroscopy in a non thermal atmospheric plasma.
O. Motret, F. Coursimault and J.M. Pouvesle.
J. of Applied Physics, 2006, 100(9), 1-9
Dynamical plasma study of CaCu3Ti4O12 and Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 Pulse Laser Deposition by Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium modelling.
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Hermann, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 2010, 43(28), 1-6
Ion beam-assisted pulsed laser deposition of (Ba,Sr)(Ti,Zr)O3 films on Pt-Si substrates
Joe Sakai, Y. K. Vayunandana Reddy, Cécile Autret-Lambert, Jean-François Lagrange, Olivier Motret, Sylvain Roger, and Jérôme Wolfman
J. of Applied Physics, 2011, 109, 1-5.
Effects of laser energy and impact surface on the stopping distance in metal oxide targets laser ablation
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. of Applied Physics, 2012, 111, 063301.
Time-resolved spatial distribution of plasma in the ablation of a Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 target by 25ns KrF ultraviolet laser.
J.-F. Lagrange, J. Hermann, J. Wolfman and O. Motret.
J. of Applied Physics, 2014, 116, 133303.