Enseignant chercheur
Severine Fay
Maître de Conférences en PsychologieCoordonnées
- Tél
- 0247368153
- severine.fay@univ-tours.fr
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
Activités / CV
Bouazzaoui, B., Fay, S., Taconnat, L., Angel, L., Vanneste, S., & Isingrini, M. (2012, July 9). Differential Involvement of Knowledge Representation and Executive Control in Episodic Memory Performance in Young and Older Adults. Canadian Journal of
Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. Advance
online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0028517
Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B., Isingrini, M. (2011). Two hemispheres for better
memory in old age: role of executive functioning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3676-3777.
Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Individual differences in frontal functioning modulate age effects on the ERP correlates of retrieval success. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3540-3553.
Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Protective role of educational level on memory aging: an event-related potential study. Brain and Cognition, 74,312-323.
Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). More data-driven processing
at retrieval reduces age-related memory deficits. Canadian Journal of experimental Psychology, 64, 117-123.
Angel, L., Fay, S. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Exploration électrophysiologique de la mémoire épisodique dans le vieillissement normal. L’Année Psychologique, 110, 595-628.
Angel, L., Isingrini, M., Bouazzaoui, B., Taconnat, L., Allan, K., Granjon, L. & Fay, S., (2010). The amount of retrieval support modulates age effects on episodic memory: evidence from event-related potentials. Brain Research, 1335, 41-52.
Bouazzaoui, B., Isingrini, M., Fay, S., Angel, L., Vanneste, S., Clarys, D. & Taconnat, L. (2010). Aging and self-reported internal and external memory strategy uses: The role of executive functioning. Acta Psychologica, 135, 59-66.
Osorio, A., Fay, S., Pouthas, V. & Ballesteros, S. (2010). Ageing affects brain activity in highly educated older adults: An ERP study using a word-stem priming task. Cortex,
46, 522-534.
Taconnat, L., Baudouin, A., Fay, S., Raz, N., Bouazzaoui, B., El-Hage, W., Isingrini, M. & Ergis, A.M. (2010). Episodic memory and organizational strategy in free recall in unipolar depression: The role of cognitive support and executive functions. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32, 719-727.