June 11 2024: Visit from Ida Andersson-Norrie and Pia Bro-Nygårdhs from Örebro University (Sweden)
NEOLAiA - Ida Andersson-Norrie et Pia Bro-Nygårdhs de l’Université d’Örebro (Suède)
on the June 11, 2024
Ahead of the first meetings of the members of the Education working group (WP2), led by the University of Tours, Ida Andersson-Norrie, strategic advisor and member of the NEOLAiA Steering Committee, and Pia Bro-Nygårdhs, coordinator of NEOLAiA at the University of Örebro, came to MAME to meet Angela Altes-Mathieu, regional coordinator of PÉPITE Centre-Val de Loire, and Christelle Rivas, Head of Entrepreneurship and Research, to talk about support schemes for entrepreneurship in the region.
The visit to MAME also gave Tony Orival, a research engineer in the sociology of work and organisations, an opportunity to explore the in situ research and simulation rooms of the Usetech'lab, supported by VYV 3 Centre-Val de Loire, the University of Tours and the CHRU de Tours.
The afternoon was devoted to a working meeting focusing mainly on the Research workstream (WP5).