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Sciences du langage : linguistique et phonétique générales

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

• BA level: L1 Acquisition, Syntax, L2 acquisition, Clinical analysis of language (via use of CLAN), Grammatical aspects of spoken French, Critical reading of scientific articles, Language pathologies, Language and the brain
• MA level:
  - MA in neuroscience and cognition: Introduction to linguistics, Typical and atypical language development
  - MA in linguistics: Theoretical syntax and language development, L2 acquisition, Advanced syntax
• School of language and communication disorders: Bilingualism, Syntaxe, Typical language development, How to read scientific articles, Statistics
• University of Lisbon, Portugal, Summer school 2018: Language development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Thèmes de recherche

My research focuses on comparing morphosyntactic development of French in different contexts of acquisition, including child L2 acquisition and acquisition in contexts of pathology, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). I'm particularly interested in exploring the impact of computational complexity in language development and language impairment.

Activités / CV

Manenti M, Tuller L, Houy-Durand E, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Prévost P 2023 Assessing structural language skills of autistic adults: Focus on sentence repetition. Lingua 214
Schaeffer J ... Prévost P, Tuller L 2023 Language in autism: domains, profiles and co-occurring conditions. J of Neural Transmission
Prévost P & Tuller L 2022 Bilingual language development in autism. Ling Appr to Biling
De Cat C, Kašćelan D, Prévost P, Serratrice L, Tuller L, Unsworth S 2022 How to quantify bilingual experience? Findings from a Delphi consensus surveyBiling: Lang & Cog
Fiani R, Henry G, Prévost P 2022 Macrostructure in narratives produced by Lebanese Arabic/French bilingual children. Ling Appr to Biling
Kašćelan D, Prévost P, Serratrice L, Tuller L, Unsworth S, De Cat C 2022 A Review of questionnaires quantifying bilingual experience in children: Do we document the same constructs? Biling: Lang & Cog
Sukenik N, Morin E, Friedmann N, Prévost P, Tuller L 2021 Coconuts and curtain cakes: The production of wh-questions in ASDAut & Dev Lang Impairm
Fiani R, Henry G, Prévost P 2020 Narrative comprehension in Lebanese Arabic / French bilingual children. In U Bohnacker & N Gagarina, Developing narrative comprehension: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives. J Benjamins
Chilla S, Hamann, C, Prévost, P, Abed Ibrahim L, Ferré S, dos Santos C, Zebib R, Tuller L 2021 The influence of different first languages on L2 LITMUS-NWR and L2 LITMUS-SR in French and German: a crosslinguistic approach. In S Armon-Lotem & K Grohman, LITMUS in action: Comparative studies across Europe. J Benjamins
Silleresi S, Prévost P, Zebib R, Bonnet-Brilhaut F, Conte D, Tuller L 2020 Identifying structural language/nonverbal ability profiles in children with ASD: methodological considerations. Aut Res
Zebib R, Tuller L, Hamann C, Abed Ibrahim L, Prévost P 2019 Syntactic complexity and verbal working memory in bilingual children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. First Lang
Scheidnes M, Tuller L, Prévost P 2019 Object clitic production in French-speaking L2 children and children with SLI: A longitudinal comparison of elicited and spontaneous language. Ling Appr to Biling
Prévost P, Tuller L, Zebib, R, Malvy, J, Bonnet-Brilhault, F 2018 Pragmatic versus structural difficulties in the production of pronominal clitics in French-speaking children with ASDAut & Dev Lang Impair 
Tuller L, Hamann C, Prévost P, Chilla S, Ferré, S, dos Santos, C, Zebib, R, Abed Ibrahim, L 2018 Identifying language impairment in bilingual children in France and in Germany. Intl J of Lang & Comm Dis 
Silleresi S, Tuller L, Delage H, Durrleman S, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Malvy J, Prévost P 2018 Sentence repetition and language impairment in French-speaking children with ASD. In A Gavarro, The acquisition of Romance. J Benjamins
Durrlemann S, Delage H, Prévos P, & Tuller L 2018 The comprehension of passives in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Glossa 
Fleckstein A, Prévost P, Tuller L, Sizaret E, Zebib R 2018 How to identify SLI in bilingual children? A study on sentence repetition in French. Lang Acq 
Bonnet-Brilhault F, Tuller L, Prévost P ... Gomot M 2017 A strategic plan to identify key neurophysiological mechanisms and brain circuits in autism. J of Chem Neuroanat
Prévost P, Tuller L, Barthez MA, Malvy J, Bonnet-Brilhault F 2017 Production and comprehension of French wh-questions by children with ASDAppl Psycholing 
Prévost P, Tuller L 2017 Complexity and production/comprehension asymmetries in the acquisition of wh-questions in French: Comparing second language acquisition and language impairment in children. In E Blom, L Cornips, J Schaeffer, Crosslinguistic influence in bilingualism. In honor of Aafke Hulk. J Benjamins
De Almeida L, Ferré S, Morin E, Prévost P, dos Santos C, Tuller L, Zebib R 2017 Identification of bilingual children with Specific Language Impairment in France. Ling Appr to Biling
Tuller L, Ferré S, Prévost P, Barthez MA, Malvy J, Bonnet-Brilhault F 2017 The effect of computational complexity on the acquisition of French by children with ASD. In L Naigle, Innovative investigations of language in Autism Spectrum Disorder. de Gruyter
Prévost, P 2015 Elicited production of object clitics. In S Armon-Lotem, J de Jong, N Meir, Methods for assessing multilingual children: disentangling bilingualism from Language Impairment. Multilingual Matters
Léger E, Prévost P, Tuller L 2015 The development of object clitics in French: A comparative study between production and real-time interpretation via eye-tracking while listening. In Hamann C & E Ruigendijk, Language acquisition and development. Cambridge Scholars
Prévost P, Strik N, Tuller L 2014 Wh-questions in child L2 French: Interaction between derivational complexity, L1 properties, length of exposure, age of exposure, and the input. Sec Lang Res

Informations complémentaires

- Borgonovo C, Bruhn de Garavito J, P Prévost 2015 Mood selection in relative clauses: interfaces and variabilityStud in Sec Lang Acq
- Prévost P 2011 The Interface Hypothesis: What about optionality in native speakers speakers? Ling App to Biling
- Prévost P, Tuller L, Scheidnes M, Ferré S & Haiden M 2010 Computational complexity effects in the acquisition of wh-questions in child L2 French. In L Dominguez & P Guijarres-Fuentes, New directions in language acquisition: romance languages in the generative perspective. Cambridge Scholars
- Androutsopoulou A, Español-Echevarría M, Prévost P 2010 The syntax/ morphology interface in Spanish L2 acquisition: Focus on quantified DPs. Can J of Ling
- Prévost P 2009 The acquisition of French: The development of inflectional morphology and syntax in L1 acquisition, bilingualism and L2 acquisition. J Benjamins
- Prévost P 2008 Truncation in child L2 acquisition: evidence from verbless utterances. In B Haznedar & E Gavruseva, Current trends in child second language acquisition: A generative perspective. J Benjamins

RESEARCH GRANTS (since 2009)
• 2023-2027: Member, ANR grant, Predictors of REading and Spelling Acquisition and Disorders in children with or without developmental language disorder (PRESAD) (529 400 €). PI: R. Zebib (UMR 1253 iBrain)
. 2023-2027: Member (representing France), Steering Committee, and WG leader, COST Action CA22139, Justice to youth language needs: human rights undermined by an invisible disadvantage. PI: M. Arche (University of Greenwich, UK)
• 2023-2027: PI, ANR grant, Language Abilities of Bilingual Children with ASD (LABA) (369 440€). Partner: UMR 5478 IKER, CNRS)
• 2022-2026: Member, ANR grant, Individual neurophysiological SENSoRY profiles in AUtism (SensAUry) (529 400€). PI: C. Wadack (UMR 1253 iBrain)
• 2022-2024: Member, Centre Val de Loire regional grant, Ageing in ASD (202 072€). PI: L. Angel (UMR 7296 CERCA)
• 2019-2022: Co-PI, Economic & Social Research Council (UK) grant, Quantifying bilingual experience (Q-BEx): optimising tools for educators, clinicians and researchers (507 898€). PI: C. De Cat (Univ of Leeds)
• 2017-2018: PI, Hubert Curien Program (HCP) grant, Linguistic and cognitive abilities of French- and Dutch-acquiring children with autism spectrum disorder (4 500€). Co-PI: J. Schaeffer (Univ of Amsterdam)
• 2016-2019: Member, International network, Dutch NWO grant, Language Abilities in Children with Autism (LACA) (75 000 €). PI: J. Schaeffer (Univ of Amsterdam)
• 2013-2016: Member, ANR/DFG grant, Bilingual language development: Typically developing children and children with language impairment (BilAD) (176 877€). PIs: L. Tuller (UMR 1253 iBrain) & C. Hamann (Univ. of Oldenburg)
• 2011-2012: Member, HCP grant (France-Lebanon Cooperation Program), Identification of specific language impairment in multilingual contexts (20 000€). PIs: L. Tuller (UMR 1253 iBrain) & C. Messara (St Joseph Univ., Beirut)
• 2009-2013: Member (representing France), Management Committee, and WG leader, COST Action IS0804 Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. PI: S. Armon-Lotem (Bar Ilan Univ., Israël)
• 2009-2012: Member, ANR grant, Complexity and compensation in atypical language acquisition: A comparative approach (CAAL) (115 000 €). PI: L. Tuller (UMR 1253 iBrain)

• Since 2022: Coordinator, Language Axis, UMR 1253 iBrain, team 1 Neurofunctional Psychiatry
• 2018-2022: Member, Advisory board, The Multilingual Mind, ERC International Training Network, T. Marinis (Univ of Konstanz), PI.
• 2018-2020: Member, Lab Research Council, Research Unit 1253 Brain and Imaging (iBrain), Univ. of Tours, INSERM

• Since 2020 (and 2016): Appointed member, National University Council (for linguistics), France
• 2022-2024 (& 2017-2019, 2008-2011): Co-chair, Department of Linguistics, Univ. of Tours
• 2016-2020: Elected member, Academic Board, Univ. of Tours
• 2016-2021: Member, Commission for International Relations, Univ. of Tours
• 2012-2018: ERASMUS Exchange officer, Department of Linguistics, Univ. of Tours
• Since 2011: Elected member, Faculty of Letters and Languages Council, Univ. of Tours
• 2012-2016: President, Recruitment Commission in Linguistics, Univ. of Tours

• Since 2008: Member, the Romance Turn international conference Commission
• 2018-2019: Co-organizer, Language Acquisition in Children with Autism (LACA) international meeting, Univ. of Tours, 1-2 April 2019
• 2014-2015: Co-organizer, Bilingualism and SLI (Bi-SLI) 2015 international conference, Univ. of Tours, 2-3 July 2015
• 2012-2013: Co-organizer, ‘Language and mind in autism’ workshop, International Congress of Linguists, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, 25-27 July 2013
• 2012: Co-organizer, Innovative Research in Autism 2012 international conference, Tours, 30 May-1 June 2012
• 2010: Co-organizer, The Romance Turn IV, Univ. of Tours, France, 25-27 August 2010
• 2009:
  - Co-organizer, workshop Eye-tracking and (A)typical Language Acquisition: Designing, Implementing, and Interpreting workshop, Univ. of Tours, 14 Dec. 2009
  - Co-organizer, Cross-population Study of Atypical Language Acquisition workshop, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 2009, Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 Sept. 2009
  - Co-organizer, Innovative Research in Autism 2009 international conference, Tours, 15-18 April 2009
• 2007-2008: Co-organizer, 12th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Laval University, Canada, 23-26 Oct. 2008

EDITORIAL WORK (since 2006)
• Member, editorial board of Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (John Benjamins) (since 2010) and Second Language Research (since 2016)
• 2017: Guest editor, Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
• 2012-2015: Assistant editor, Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge University Press)
• Since 1999: Reviewer for Second Language Research, Language Acquisition, Studies on Second Language acquisition, Applied Psycholinguistics, Language Learning, Lingua, First Language, The Journal of French Language Studies, The Canadian Journal of Linguistics, Hispania, La revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée, The Catalan Journal of Linguistics, Journal of Creole Linguistics